Thursday, January 7, 2016

Aha Moment of Thanks

As I was reading Reading Nonfiction by the ever-wise and deeply talented Kylene Beers and Robert Probst tonight, I had an Aha Moment.  Sitting there on my couch, with a blanket and mug of tea, I realized why their words just seemed so obvious (in a good way) and made complete and total sense to me as a teacher.  It is because I was lucky enough to have had teachers who taught as if they had read Reading Nonfiction 20 years ago. 
These incredible teachers instilled in me the still firmly held belief that it was my job to question, challenge, investigate and think about what I was learning. Passive learning was not an option in or outside their classrooms; you needed wade deep into it and go exploring.
The passion they possessed for their discipline was contagious. So much so that when you listened to them speak, you couldn't help but become enveloped in the moment and want to learn all you could.
They didn't teach to a test, but taught me to test them as teachers in the best way possible.
I felt encouraged and loved, and as a result trusted my teachers.
And though I never took a PARC or an MSA in order to show I had learned something during my 12 years of schooling, I was able to go to college, did well, even went back and got my masters, and now teach students of my own. Go figure!
Through the tutelage of these outstanding educators, I even got the crazy notion into my head that I could do and be anything and had the ability to change the world, if I chose to do so. I never felt limited by my education or my educators, I felt empowered.
So to Beth Ruekberg, BJ McEldery, Butch Darrell, Carol Peabody, Emily Dixon, Sue Sternheimer, Mr. Ogdon, Sue Bell, Nori Sheck, Steve McManus, and the rest of the amazing teachers I had during my 12 years at Garrison Forest School, thank you for showing me how to be the teacher I strive to be every day and the teacher my students deserve. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Much love,
Natalie (Waters) Krayenvenger Class of 2001

Monday, January 4, 2016

What Is #EdBeat Side 2 (Includes Bonus Tracks)

It has been five months since Sean asked Natalie to be what we both affectionately call “#twitterspouses,” and #EdBeat has continued to reach more and more educators, as well as been extremely fortunate to welcome an amazing and varied lineup of guest moderators. Despite this and our two previous posts explaining our history ( and ) the question still remains; however, “What IS #EdBeat?!?”

We both look at #EdBeat as the 7-11 of Twitter chats. We serve all and always have a refreshing Slurpee or that pick-me-up cup o’ Joe to offer our bandmates. Instead of posting on the entrance door a sign that reads: “No shirt, No shoes, No service,” our #EdBeat sign reads: “Be positive, Be uplifting, You can do this!”

#Edbeat is the cafeteria table that saves seats for everyone. We have both participated in Twitter chats that just feel like you are not part of the “in-crowd,” or are missing some inside joke. These experiences are deflating and not what we believe Twitter is about, so it is our personal mission to make sure every person who joins the #EdBeat Band feels welcome and is treated like a V.I.P. All educators are invited and celebrated in #EdBeat. We believe that Education is the noblest of professions. It is important that we support and uphold each other like a band would during a live performance.

We are a chat that thrives on celebrating the achievements of our bandmates and are ready to jump right in and support one another when there are bumps in the road.  As Sister Sledge says, “We are family.”

Oh!  we are a chat that makes you playlists!  Talk about a rockin’ takeaway!

For those in need of a description that sounds a little more professional...#EdBeat is an inspirational chat for ALL educators that trends the positive and is hosted by two music geeks who believe education is a profession/calling that should be celebrated and its educators uplifted.  

Don’t just take our word for it!  We asked our amazing and inspiring bandmates to tell us what #EdBeat is to them and below you will find what they had to say.  

Bonus Tracks:
Eric (@mrfieldmanchs) from NJ wrote:

Sean has stated #EdBeat is like a 7-11 where everybody gathers to talk & meet up. Well I slightly disagree (in NJ it would be a WAWA!).  To me #EdBeat it’s more like the bar in Cheers. It’s a place like home, where everybody knows your name. It’s a spot where even new band members can relax and be welcomed and be comfortable. It’s a place where like-minded people can share common interests, get honest, and if necessary tough, but constructive feedback. #Edbeat is a spot where one can be comforted when down, and slapped on the back when he/she has accomplished something noteworthy (like getting through a hard day, reaching that difficult student, or executing a successful lesson). It’s not a self-massaging,”Aren't we all the best“ hiding place, but is supportive, loving, positive and real. It's a place of friendship and professional development. And, it has more cowbell than any place I know.

Sara (@SaraHolmTeacher) from NV wrote:

Sean and Natalie are positive, they incorporate lines from music into their replies, they affirm participation and mistakes, and I feel at home. #EdBeat is a place for positivity with a beat on Twitter.

LaVonna (@LaVonnaRoth) from FL wrote:

Every single day it is important to find a way to stay connected and surrounded by those that align with your philosophy while pushing you to be creative, think in a different way and cherish the value you bring. #EdBeat provides that opportunity through a weekly chat and an online presence, which allows me to keep the beat going, moving forward and deciding what instrument I want to play that week!

Michelle (@MichelleLewis70) from IA wrote:

#EdBeat is a group of people who support, encourage and inspire each other.  The chat challenges us to think about how we impact each other and students.  Just like the beat of song keeps it going, Natalie and Sean keep us going.  #EdBeat Studios has truly changed me.  Each day I listen to and from school. It gives me moment to feel connected to something bigger than just my world.

Jennifer (@jenladd) from MI voxed:

Edbeat means feeling like I belong to something bigger than just a PLN. Edbeat is more like a movement of all things positive- the positive I, as a teacher, want, need, and expect to see in education. My #edbeat band is supportive when I need it to be and they give me a push when I need that too. The band is full of real, inspiring educators who strive to make a difference and look to pick each other up when necessary. It is not lost on me how lucky I am to be a part of the Edbeat band!

Christy (@christypost9) from CT wrote:

“You got this!  We believe in you.” That is what #EdBeat is all about.  It is about having each other’s back and believing in one another.  It is about encouraging others when there is nothing to gain.  It is about finding a group with the same beliefs about kids and sharing ideas and hopes for the next day.  It is about trust and friendship without ever meeting.  It is about respect.  I am so grateful for each and every one of you all day every day!

Larry (@TechCoachZ from NJ wrote:

Sean and Natalie have developed a community of encouraging and uplifting educators who empower one another to share their thoughts openly and without fear of judgment. Through these discussions, even the most discouraged and downtrodden educator can be inspired and energized; their passions reignited. Not only do Natalie and Sean host this inspirational chat, they work tirelessly to develop engaging topics, involve amazing guest moderators, and ensure every participant has a voice and a place in each discussion. In addition to Twitter, Natalie and Sean nurture the community through their extraordinary blog posts and Voxer chats. And since the #EdBeat band is tuned to the transformative power of music, Spotify playlists have been created to supercharge any day, even a #CelebrateMonday.


Elisabeth Bostwick (@ElisaBostwick) from NY wrote:

#EdBeat is an eclectic chat with a diverse variety of educators who come together each Wednesday evening to uplift, grow, and challenge each other's thinking. This is a chat where energy vibrantly flows and educators synergize. #EdBeat feels like a family gathering where the music is pumping, and everyone greets one another with open arms. I’m fortunate to be able to partake in #EdBeat, and incredibly honored to have guest-moderated on the topic of Culture of Innovation in the Classroom. Some people refer to Wednesday as hump day, whereas I am cheering that it’s time for #EdBeat! To me, #EdBeat is an insightful part of my week, and an excellent dose of inspiration combined with tight knit friendships.  

Sandy (@sandeeteach) from UT wrote:

I don’t get to participate in the weekly #EdBeat chat very often because of my schedule. But, connecting with the band members has infused a daily rhythm of positivity. These are educators who are passionate about education and inspire kids to discover their gifts and talents. Through daily/weekly collaboration, these leaders are making a difference! They hear a “different drummer” and step to the music they hear. #EdBeat is changing the public perception of education! I’m grateful and inspired by the collective energy of this group.

Encore/Thank You

Music only gets better when it resonates with its listeners, and subsequently reaches new heights when those listeners find one another.  Together we revel in our love of the music, share memories, and create new experiences.  For these reasons alone, #EdBeat would be nothing without its amazing band members.  Whether you have never missed a jam session, jumped in every now and then, or only riffed with us once, we are eternally grateful for you.

Rock on,

Natalie and Sean

Saturday, January 2, 2016

It Will Be "Unity"

“Unity” by Shinedown

They say it's never too late
To stop being afraid
And there is no one else here
So why should I wait?
And in the blink of an eye the past begins to fade
So have you ever been caught in a sea of despair?
And your moment of truth
Is the day that you say "I'm not scared"
Put your hands in the air
If you hear me out there
I've been looking for you day and night
Shine a light in the dark
Let me see where you are
'Cause I'm not gonna leave you behind
If I told you that you're not alone
And I show you this is where you belong
Put your hands in the air
One more time

I fell in love with my husband the first time I got in his F-150 pick-up truck. No, it wasn’t the truck, though the stereo system was quite impressive and the bass from his subwoofer under the seat made it feel like you were getting a back massage.... It was the music, or rather the conversations we had through and as a result of the music. The lyrics acted as an intimacy and conversational lubricant, which allowed us to more freely divulge our hopes and dreams.  The melodies and beats inspired us to share memories and speak about our futures.  The music did such a good job, in fact that we had been driving for about an hour, and had listened to Brad Paisley, Lindsey Stirling, David Guetta, Tchaikovsky, Bubba Sparxxx, Kelly Rowland (just to name a few) when what everyone had always told me would happen, happened. I knew. I knew I could drive around in this truck, with this funny, bearded man for the rest of my life.  

Three months later we were moving in together, and Jeff had made me, not a mixtape, but a “mixflashdrive.”  It was full of music to listen to as we made trips back and forth between our houses, and he had told me repeatedly NOT to skip the first song.  

What came out of my speakers, as I drove down his old, steep driveway, and turned onto the hilly country road lined by lush green trees and farmlands, that led to our future, was “Unity” by Shinedown.

What I heard was the song I would turn to again and again whenever I was feeling scared or alone, energized and inspired, momentarily defeated or on top of the world. It spoke to me about the power of finding those people who truly believe in you, and who you, in turn, would reach out to in even the darkest of times without blinking an eye because you “are not going to leave them behind.”  That together we are never alone and can achieve anything, and it is each of our jobs to make sure no one is ever left feeling afraid or abandoned.    

So when Sean and I first started talking about #OneSong, the very first song that came briefly to my mind was “Unity,” but I swiftly pushed it aside. “Most people probably haven’t heard of it,” I thought, and my default mode to make people stop and say, “Wow! That is the best idea ever!” kicked in. This is the same default mode that puts me into a state of almost panic when someone asks you to choose one word that describes who you are. The search, therefore, continued, and I became more and more stressed out.

Thankfully my friend and partner, Sean Gaillard (@smgaillard) is FEARLESS and wrote a truly inspiring and honest post, which, as I read it, brought me to tears.  I immediately voxed Sean my feedback, and as I cried like a baby, had the epiphany that “Unity” is in fact my #OneSong, and not only my #OneSong, but my #OneWord for 2016.

To me “unity” signifies peace, harmony and balance. A lack of conflict or misgiving. It is about connecting with others and building a team striving for the same goal.  

It will be “unity” that inspires me to find peace within myself as I continue to take risks and inevitably fail in the classroom. To come to terms with the fact I will never please everyone, but will continue to do what I believe is best for my students.  

It will be “unity” that reminds me to find time for all the people in my life because balance is the key to truly achieving your goals. It is not enough to find success in one area at the expense of another.   
It will be “unity” that encourages me to continue to build and foster relationships with the families of my students because those bonds are vital to their success.

It will be “unity” that drives me to continue to pound the Twitter pavement and cultivate my PLN and the PLN’s of others.  To build up the profession of Education through those all-important connections and celebrate all we achieve every day.   

It will be “unity” that aids me in conducting a classroom full of independent thinkers, creative learners, and moving us all at the same tempo and in the same direction.

It will be “unity” that will help me to create an environment where every child knows they are loved, seen, heard, encouraged, and part of the team.  Where empathy is revered and my learners understand what it means to be part of something bigger than themselves and aspire to create a world in which they are proud to live.

It will be “unity” that will forbid me to give up on my dreams of inspiring our faculty to get connected and go outside of their comfort zones in order to meet our learners needs and be the best we can be as a school.  

And it will be my steadfast and outstanding team of Jennifer Priddy (@jnpriddy) and Diana Koska (@Koska4th) who, along with Shinedown and Sean, will be the motivating and supportive force that will help me in attaining my goal of achieving unity in 2016. They are my rocks and the refrain of my educational ballad.

And so if you hear me out there, put your hands in the air. I am not about to leave you behind.