into my classroom last week?
It's Sunday night and I just finished writing my weekly Week in Review to my students' parents. On one hand I am proud of what we were able to accomplish last week, and I love sharing the goods with the parents and keeping them in the loop, but on the other hand I am kicking myself because I have not blogged since August and I want to change that...When all of a sudden....I Week in Review has all the stuff I would want to include in a blog post!
It's got:
- A lesson on Fairness (complete with YouTube link if you cannot get your hands on the book)
- A plug for a great assessment tool (Kahoot!) - again includes a link
- An example of how we used Skype
- Getting feedback from students
- A snippet about ditching the desks
- Using Periscope in the classroom - Link!
- Info about a PD opportunity complete guessed it! A link!
- A new, creative presentation tool: Buncee
- An idea for doing public speaking
- AND highlights something that is incredibly important: Parent Communication
So, in order to break my blogging slump, and more importantly, hopefully provide you with at least one takeaway, here is a look into what Mrs. Krayenvenger's Kids did last week via my email to parents':
Good evening!
I’m not going to lie, this one is a long one… but only
because there was so much good stuff!
Here is the breakdown:
Fairness Assembly
Skyping w/ Mrs. K’s Sister
Feedback on the Classroom/Periscope
Upcoming Dates
Let’s get reviewin’!
In a few weeks (Nov. 6th), the 4th
grade will be presenting about fairness during Assembly. This past
Tuesday we started getting ready by reading the book It’s Not Fair
to the whole 4th grade class.
By the end of the story your astute children shared the
following thoughts:
Fair isn’t always about getting the same things,
but about getting what you need.
It’s not unfair if your sister or brother wears
bigger shoes, they have bigger feet!
We shouldn’t say it’s unfair if someone is
better at football and can score a touchdown. Maybe they practice more
than you do.
What if someone is confused and you’re not? It’s
not unfair for the teacher to talk to them a little longer.
Don’t say something is unfair until you look at
from different sides.
Sometimes things don’t seem fair, but it’s how
you handle it.
After the 4th grade teachers picked their bottom
jaws up off the ground, we then asked the 4th grade to draw upon our
previous discussions regarding patterns in writing and explained we wanted them
to continue writing the book using the same rhyming pattern.
In groups of three, they wrote three sentences that
displayed a satirical “It’s not fair!” concept and decided who would illustrate
each sentence. They will continue polishing their final draft this week
between 8:15 and 8:30.
We hope you will join us November 6th when we
present the final product!
So last year I discovered this amazing game (it’s really an
assessment tool shhhh) called Kahoot! (check it out here at ) and my students
Naturally I have been champing at the bit to use it this
year with this rock star bunch… and this week we finally did…and IT WAS
AWESOME! The class was jumping up and down, cheering, high-fiving, and
receiving immediate feedback regarding the concepts they understand as well as
the ones they need to continue to work on (and why). They even
begged to take the quiz…I mean play the game again!
Needless to say, it was one of the first times I have seen a
group of people, besides my sister and her Legal Aid friends, jump up and down
when talking about the Bill of Rights. It was just wicked cool.
Kahoot! will frequently be used to assess your child’s
understanding, so if you have any questions, please feel free to ask, or come
in for a demonstration! You can even create your own account and Kahoots
for the family! J
Speaking of my sister… My younger sister, whose name is
Laura, is a Legal Aid lawyer in Manhattan, and she took the time this past week
to Skype with us and answer questions our class had about the Bill of
Rights. It was great for them to be able to ask specific questions, listen
to someone whose job it is to fight for people’s rights, and discuss which
amendments they would keep, if they could only keep two, and why. (They had a
little prep time with this earlier in the week when they wrote a persuasive
piece in their Writer’s Notebook about which two amendments they thought were
the most important.)
The experience definitely made the Bill of Rights more
accessible, applicable, and authentic, rather than just a list on a sheet of
paper or document on the internet.
Again if you, or anyone you know would be interested in
sharing their expertise or interests with the class, please let me know and we
will set up a Skype, Google Hangout, or Blab.
Learning Spaces/Periscope
On Thursday the class provided me with feedback regarding how
the year is going without desks and in our new learning space. To really
up the stakes I told them to be completely honest and broadcasted their
thoughts on Periscope
. (These videos are posted for 24 hours and then taken down.)
Not only did I receive invaluable information (mostly
positive – one child thinks there should be exercise balls for everyone and
another thinks we should have pedals under the tables to help get rid of excess
energy…I told them I will work on that!) regarding how these changes have
impacted your children, BUT their thoughts also helped other teachers who are
wrestling with the idea of creating learning spaces that are more user friendly
and create a space where learners feel “free to find what works best,” “trusted
to make decisions,” “like what they need and want matters.”
Your children’s perspectives are helping not only me as
their teacher, but also teachers and learners all over the world. They
This past Monday, while your child was using his/her day off
to read and practice math facts (can’t a teacher dream?!?), the 4th
grade teachers were up in Port Jefferson, NY at the Talk with Teachers Summit
It was an incredible day that left us chatting and
brainstorming the whole 6 ½ hour ride home! We wanted to implement
everything we learned about immediately, but once the oxytocin, dopamine,
serotonin, and endorphins started to chill out a bit and we realized that we
might make our students’ heads explode (and no one wants that), we decided on
implementing one new piece of tech this week and slowly implement others when
and where we could.
The tech we decided on this past week was Buncee .
This is an online presentation/creation website and app that allows teachers to
create assignments and students to create and demonstrate their learning.
Attached is a picture of us getting our Buncee on!
On Friday all the 4th graders, who were not
giving tours, were mixed together and told, “This is Buncee. Tell us what you
discover!” We shouldn’t have been shocked when they discovered some
bells, whistles and tricks that we hadn’t known about. Always incredible when
they take over the role of teacher.
They shared their findings by creating a list of things you
can do with Buncee on the board, and then started a list of ways they can use
Buncee to demonstrate their leaning. We were pumped when we saw Passion
Projects and Book Buzzes at the top of their list!
Buncee was a definite hit and we are excited to see what we
will create!
*Students who were giving tours during this exploration will
be partnered up with a student who was present and given a tutorial.
This past Friday during assembly, two brave 4th
graders did what no 4th grader has done before. They stood up
in front of the entire Lower School and gave a speech on the topic of their
choice. They were incredible. Kindergarteners are a tough audience, let
me tell you, but Quinn and Ire looked like they had been doing it for
years! I am so excited for each of your children to have this same
opportunity and experience. As I mentioned previously, when it is your
child’s turn to give his/her speech you will be notified at least a week
prior. We hope that you will allow your child to write and create
everything on their own. They may even choose to use Buncee…just sayin… J
A huge thank you to Ire and Quinn for being the first to go,
and a gigantic “can’t wait to see you up there” to the rest of our amazing 4th
grade speakers!
That does it for this past week; don’t forget to look below
for upcoming events and dates to remember!
Have a great evening and let’s get excited for our next
So that's what our week looked like in homeroom. I hope you were able to come away with at least one new idea, even if that idea is not one of "my" ideas per se.
I also hope that if you have any questions, or want to know more, you will email or tweet me (@nkrayenvenger). This calling is not one to be done in isolation, we have to be there to support and encourage one another.
Wishing you all a week to remember!
I want my children in your class.