Thursday, June 18, 2015

To Blog or Not to Blog...No Longer Is It a Question on albatrosses are flapping their wings inside my stomach, as I write the inaugural blog post for What's YOUR Rush?!? I mean think about it. I have told just about every teacher/person in education I know and respect on Twitter and on Voxer that I will be unveiling my blog by the end of this week, AND that as soon as I hit "publish" I will send out the link so everyone can read it. What was I thinking?!?  Oh right. I was thinking that up until about 9 months ago I was just a teacher who had read other people's blogs and heard about Twitter, but didn't think I had any business being involved with either.  Who was I to share my thoughts?  What if it came across as ringing my own bell?  Who would ever want to read what I had to say?  And then something amazing happened, I met Jenn (@jnpriddy).

Jenn is one of my two amazing teammates, who immediately made me believe that I could do anything and be anyone.  Most importantly, she helped me to see what was good about the teacher I already was, and continues to support and encourage me to be the teacher I continually strive to be: passionate, student-focused, willing to take risks, engage in best-practices (even if they are not always the most popular) and remain positive as often as possible.

Jenn's first big feat was getting me on Twitter in September. Thankfully she waited with patience while, for about 3 months, I lurked. Finally after talking and talking to Jenn (a.k.a. my therapist) about joining a chat, or responding to one of my tweeps, I did it!  I typed out the words, included my hashtag, and sent my thoughts out into the Twitterverse.  It was terrifying and exhilarating all at the same time, and I haven't looked back since!

Through Twitter I then began to meet inspiring, dedicated, and PASSIONATE teachers, who, like me, love what they do and just want to share their experiences, encourage others, and work towards a common goal of educating and empowering students in every way possible.  Twitter (and no I am not speaking in hyperbole) saved me. It showed me that there are thousands of incredible people out there, around the globe, who want to change the world, and not to benefit themselves, but to benefit the future generations who will come after them.  It showed me that there are administrators who respect, support, and love their faculty.  Who want to transform their school culture into something electrifying and wonderful that their students are proud to be a part of and would bang down the doors to come into each day.  It showed me that people are...good and want to celebrate the little victories as much as the big ones, and that all you have to do is ask, and people will go out of their way to help you start blogging (a special thank you to Oona (@oonziela) and Stacey (@iruntech)).

There is so much more I have learned about others (and teaching!) as a result of Twitter over these past months, but that is for another blog post, on another day.  What I want to say now; however, is that Twitter also taught me about myself. It taught me that I need to slow down and reflect.  It taught me to have the confidence to question what I am doing and make the necessary changes, and that it is OK not to get it perfect the first time around.  Maybe most importantly in this moment, as I publish my first blog entry, it taught me that my thoughts matter because just like you reading this blog right now, my story is unique and may be of use to someone else, and that if I don't tell my story, someone else will.

This blog is dedicated to all the amazing teachers out there and is about never apologizing for being passionate, reflecting on the amazing, crazy life that we teachers live each day, and taking the next step in my journey.  I hope you will come along with me.        


  1. Beautifully written, though you gave me WAY too much credit. A push in this direction and soared with it. Thanks for being MY support and encouragement. Can't wait to see what's in store for you in the blogging world. What a great example to your students---risk = rewards. LOVE IT!

  2. Excellent first post! Positive, reflective and I can't wait to read more!

    1. Thank you, Dani! Your support and excitement is deeply appreciated! Can't wait to write more! :)

  3. For a lady who gives so much inspiration to others, this is a great dedication post for your blogging motives. The line, "This blog is...about never apologizing for being passionate...," hit home for me!

    1. Thank you, Kimberly, for taking the time to stop and leave feedback! We all need to allow ourselves to bring the passion and light the fire within others! Keep doing you!

  4. This is such a great read. Thank you for sharing and entering the world of blogging. It is a pleasure to be connected and I look forward to learning with you and connecting via Twitter and hopefully one day face to face. Keep up the great work and sharing your ideas through this blog!

  5. Blogging rocks - welcome to the blogosphere!

  6. WOO HOO!!!!! This is a wonderful filled with optimism and wonder and joy and reflection!! I am so grateful that I found it this morning! You'll be added to my Feedly. I'm leading a two day blogging workshop with teachers in my county and this will definitely be a mentor text! You have inspired me this morning. Thank you! I can't wait to read more of your story!!!

  7. This is a fabulous first blog post! Congratulations!! I started blogging 2 years ago (Wordpress sent me that notification today!) because of encouragement from the tech leader at my school. I've loved it for classroom and personal reflection as well as a way to connect with others.
    Have fun with #10summerblogs and Twitter. I love learning and building my PLN through Tweets and chats.
    I'll be back to read another post! :)

  8. First and foremost, congratulations on your first blog! Such a cool feat!

    Thank you for sharing your "vulnerability" and identifying the strange thoughts, we as educators have when trying to find our voice. If only we could take the advice we share with our students...listen to your voice! You have!!

    Thank you for reflecting on the power of Twitter. It has changed my life as well, for similar reasons. Can't wait to read what's next!!
